
En varumärkesundersökning är ett viktigt redskap för många olika former av varumärkesarbete. En varumärkesundersökning hjälper till att klargöra hur ert varumärke uppfattas på marknaden. Det ger insikter om företagets position jämfört med konkurrenterna och hur kunderna ser på varumärkets styrkor och svagheter. Baserat på insikterna från en varumärkesundersökning står ni väl rustade för att ta välinformerade beslut kring ert fortsatta varumärkesarbete. 

Med en varumärkesundersökning mäter vi till exempel varumärkeskännedom och attityd till ert varumärke, vilka attribut som förknippas med varumärket och hur ert varumärke presterar i förhållande till era konkurrenter.

A brand survey is an important tool for many different types of work relating to brand development. With a brand survey, you can measure brand awareness and brand attitude, and see how the market rates your brand compared to your competitors.

We also offer continuous brand studies/brand tracking for closer monitoring of your brand.


Brand surveys adapted to your needs

A brand survey can cover a range of different topics regarding a brand. In most cases we measure brand awareness and brand attitude/acceptance. We design brand surveys to match your specific needs. Maybe you want insight in order to establish a direction before making a marketing plan, or maybe you just want to monitor your marketing activities.

We produce brand surveys that target both the general population and specific target groups based on your desired target group, no matter if it’s made up of private individuals or companies. We can also conduct brand surveys internationally using both web surveys and telephone interviews.


Our research methods

When we conduct a quantitative brand survey, we normally use a web panel, or telephone interviews to collect responses. For a more qualitative brand analysis, we can carry out in-depth interviews or focus groups to produce more in-depth, qualitative information. In some cases, we can combine both quantitative and qualitative methods to produce a more comprehensive analysis.


Insightful analysis and reporting

We usually compile the results of a brand survey to create a detailed report with clear visuals, analyses, a summary, and conclusions and recommendations. Among other things, we can identify which factors are most important for creating a positive brand attitude, and we can map out how your brand is being perceived by different target groups.

You can also get access to a web-based analysis tool where you can work with the results yourself and create tables and diagrams with exactly the cross-references and filters you want.

Examples of questions that a brand survey can answer:

  • What percentage of the target group knows of the brand (brand awareness)?
  • To what extent does the market have a positive view of the brand?
  • What positive or negative characteristics are associated with the brand?
  • How is the brand positioned with respect to competing brands?

Brand survey

Brand position analysis

In our brand research, we suggest mapping and analysing your relative position compared to your competitors based on brand awareness, acceptance and other important image factors. The results of this analysis will help you understand what your market position is with respect to your competitors.


Continuous brand tracking

If you want to monitor your brand more closely, we recommend continuous brand research, or so-called brand tracking. A new study is then conducted every month, quarter or half-year. By continuous brand tracking can show you how your brand is growing and how it is being impacted by marketing, new offers, competitors etc.


Our clients says

Customer survey for KRAV
The reports Next has produced have been informative and well-structured. All of this has given us a really crucial foundation when it comes to business planning.

Customer survey for the Swedish Sports Confederation
We gave Next the task of using a questionnaire-based survey to run a health check-up on our sports product (IdrottOnline). The help we received from Next in terms of formulating questions, collecting data and above all conducting analysis was outstanding.

Internal survey for Mekonomen
We are really happy with how Next handled this survey for us. Next really listened to what we wanted when it came to questions, designing the web survey, data collection and reporting, and the entire survey process was really smooth. Thanks to the results from the survey, we have been able to make some really crucial decisions.

Market research for KTH innovation
We loved working with Next and are very happy with the results. We had a good dialogue regarding the content and layout of our market research study, and felt like we had a good overview throughout the process.

Awareness study for ÅJ Distribution
I am very happy with how the study was conducted. It all felt very professional and it was a very easy process! The study, including the analyses and recommendations from Next, gave us a really good foundation for the next steps in our DR work which was conducted with the same target group.

Employee survey for BBGRUPPEN
The collaboration ran like clockwork with short, concise and effective coordination meetings. Reporting was detailed and we received clear reports with analyses that showed us which areas we should be focusing on in our improvements. We even received good, concrete recommendations for action.



Metoder för varumärkesundersökningar

Nedan är de huvudsakliga metoderna som vi använder oss av när vi ska samla in data till var varumärkesundersökningar..

Telefonintervjuer är i många fall en mycket bra metod. Bland annat så kan det vara så att målgruppen inte går att nå på något annat sätt eller att det finnas saker i undersökningen som kräver att vi kan förtydliga eller ställa följdfrågor. Vi strävar alltid efter att få så hög svarsfrekvens som möjligt och oftast ger telefonintervjuer högre svarsfrekvens än vid andra metoder, något som är extra viktigt i de fall man har en mindre målgrupp eftersom varje svar då blir av stor vikt.

Webbpaneler är ett snabbt och relativt billigt och lämpar sig väl om man har en varumärkesundersökning där man vill ställa frågor till en stor mängd personer. Genom att vi har en mängd olika bakgrundsinformation om panelmedlemmarna så kan vi rikta oss till en mycket specifik målgrupp. Vi arbetar i huvudsak med en telefonrekryterad webbpanel av högsta kvalitet som har en sammansättning som mycket väl matchar Sveriges befolkning avseende tex kön, ålder och geografisk spridning.

Fokusgrupper skapar en dialog mellan deltagarna som ger nya infallsvinklar och insikter som inte deltagarna skulle komma fram till vid personliga intervjuer på tu man hand.

Främst är fokusgrupper användbara för att fånga mer djupgående värderingar och attityder kring varumärken eller för att få insikt i kunders underliggande behov. Det kan även användas i en förundersökning till en större undersökning genom att det kan hjälpa till att definiera undersökningsproblemet och för att får underlag för utformning av frågeformulär.


Need help with a brand survey?